Polarith AI

Before we go into detail concerning the different parts of the system, we have to make sure that the concept of the technology is properly understood. It is most important to understand these basic principles to make the most out of the design-oriented workflow. If you have already experience with classic steering approaches, this might be a double-edged sword for you. On the on hand, it will be easier to understand the overall AI concept but on the other hand, you have to think twice when it comes to writing your own behaviours because context steering works a little bit different than classic steering does.

After reading the following sections of this introduction, you will be able to work with all the major parts of Polarith AI smoothly. If you want to know even more, the rest of the (online) manual and our website will offer you further information for each topic in detail. Moreover, we are going to maintain a blog for you where we will post interesting topics, tutorials and ideas on how to use our technology.
