Polarith AI
Structure Class Reference


This is the structural element for all movement related classes.

It is used as the problem space representation of the Receptor, and thus, it defines in which space agents can operate. So for movement AI modules, this is the Vector3 space.

Public Fields

Vector3 Position = Vector3.zero
 Determines where the corresponding Receptor has got its anchor. More...
Vector3 Direction = Vector3.up
 Defines the direction the corresponding Receptor is oriented towards. More...
float Magnitude = 1f
 Can be seen as weight of the corresponding Receptor used for writing objective values to a Context.Problem. More...
float Sensitivity = 90f
 Influences how sensitive the corresponding Receptor perceives the environment. More...

Public Methods

void RoundVectors (int decimalPlaces=6)
 Rounds the float values of the contained Position and Direction vectors to a specified number of decimalPlaces . More...
void Copy (Structure other)
 Deep copies the data of another Structure instance into this instance. More...

Public Static Methods

static void Lerp (Structure a, Structure b, float t, Structure result)
 Linearly interpolates between two Structure instances. More...