Polarith AI
Pursue and Evade

front-end / back-end: AIMPursue | Pursue
inherits from: AIMRadiusSteeringBehaviour | RadiusSteeringBehaviour


front-end / back-end: AIMEvade | Evade
inherits from: AIMRadiusSteeringBehaviour | Pursue

Note that the inspector of Evade is equivalent to the inspector of Pursue.

Purse and Evade are extensions of Seek and Flee. Instead of moving directly towards the target, Purse predicts the target's future position based on the its velocity and seeks this. Evade does the same but it generates magnitudes for the opposite direction. The prediction is based under the assumption of an approximately uniform motion from frame to frame.


This component has got the following specific properties.

Property Description
MaxPredictionTime Maximum time considered for the movement prediction. It scales the velocity of the target percept to calculate the position for the next update step. By increasing this value, you try to predict more update steps ahead, which might become imprecise due to the assumption of the uniform movement from frame to frame.
TargetGizmo Can be used to visualize the predicted position. If you are in the game view, you need to enable Unity's Gizmos.



These behaviours require valid velocities. So, if an agent has no Rigidbody attached, a Steering Tag which has TrackVelocity activated needs to be present.
