Polarith AI
AIMOrbit Class Reference


By using AIMOrbit the agent will move along the orbit of one target percept (front-end component).

Note, changes to the inherited AIMPerceptBehaviour<T>.FilteredEnvironments and AIMPerceptBehaviour<T>.GameObjects fields have no effect, since they are reset PrepareEvaluation.

Front-end component of the underlying Move.Orbit class. This behaviour is thread-safe.

Inheritance diagram for AIMOrbit:
AIMSteeringBehaviour AIMPerceptBehaviour< SteeringPercept >

Public Fields

GameObject Target
 Determines the center of the orbit. More...
Vector3 TargetPosition
 The target position used by the agent to move towards, therefore, the Target must be null. More...
Orbit Orbit = new Orbit()
 The underlying back-end behaviour class. More...
List< string > FilteredEnvironments
 All environments to obtain the percepts for. More...
List< GameObject > GameObjects
 Allows to specify custom objects which should be processed by this behaviour. More...

Protected Fields

VelocityGizmo velocityGizmo = new VelocityGizmo()
 Sets up the visualization of the velocity (editor only). More...


override SteeringBehaviour SteeringBehaviour [get]
 Polymorphic reference to the underlying back-end class (read only). More...
override bool ThreadSafe [get]
 Determines whether the underlying back-end class is thread-safe (read only). More...
override PerceptBehaviour< SteeringPerceptPerceptBehaviour [get]
 Polymorphic reference to the underlying back-end class (read only). More...
override MoveBehaviour Behaviour [get]
 Polymorphic reference to the underlying back-end class (read only). More...

Public Methods

override void PrepareEvaluation ()
 This method is used in order to transfer the data from Target to AIMPerceptBehaviour<T>.GameObjects. More...

Protected Methods

override void OnDrawGizmos ()
 Visualizes the new target position along the orbit, the orbit itself and its maximum and minimum radius (editor only). More...
override void Reset ()
 Reset to default values. More...
override void OnValidate ()
 This function is called when the script is loaded or a value is changed in the inspector (editor only). More...
override void OnEnable ()
 This method is called when the object becomes enabled and active. More...