
We are planning the future

In addition to the existing scope of our features, our team is constantly working on enhancements and optimization of the Cranium system. On this page, we offer a brief overview of planned functions, those already under development, and all completed features of Cranium. See at a glance what you can already benefit from today and in the future.



in development


Here you have a short outlook about planned or already being worked on functions. If you need planned functions urgently, talk to us at any time about possible cooperation in development projects.

* Time specifications are only an estimate and do not represent fixed dates.

Q3 2021 Autonomous load following with crane trolley and trolley

Q4 2021 Autonomous 3D pathfinding in the configured work area

Q4 2022 Track control with support of different sensor types

Q2 2023 Additional sensors (e.g. laser) for terminal use cases

Q2 2023 Extension and adaption of functions for terminal use cases

Q3 2024 Extension and adaption of functions for slewing cranes

Q3 2024 Robust detection of dynamic obstacles (such as people)

Q3 2024 Robust collision avoidance with dynamic obstacles

2025 Collision avoidance between neighboring cranes

2025 Pendulum-damped control of slewing gear (top/bottom)

2025 Intelligent cooperation between multiple cranes

2024 Additional sensors (e.g. gyroscope) for slewing cranes

2026 Robust detection of partially concealed reference markers

Project Idea?

For years we have realized the visions of our customers from a wide range of industries. We look forward to meeting you.